Wednesday, July 23, 2014

ECS Re-Greening 2014

In the spring (and months leading up to that), my school partner in "green" and I finalized what we had started over Christmas break:  The "re-greening" of Eagle Cove School.  Since 2006 when ECS (formerly "Gibson Island Country School") became an official Maryland "Green" School, every 4 years we need to go through a re-certification process.  This process is necessary in order to ensure that the school is continuing forth with its environmental initiatives.  So after 2010, 2014 was our 2nd time for us to go forth to do that.  Of course, the "Green Team" of the two of us started the undertaking of re-greening long before our January 8th announcement that Eagle Cove was closing.

And, as I wrote about in my June 8th post "A Great School Lives in its Students Forever," we achieved that re-greening goal.  We became re-certified... even as our doors were closing.  Despite the fact that the school was closing, the re-greening has to do with the eco-accomplishments of the four previous years.  During those past 4 years (from 2010--2014), we all went from being an already-great environmental school to strengthening it--making it an even stronger and "greener" curriculum.  We ended at the height of our curricular career and the height of our environmentalism.  For that reason, we felt it was necessary to pay final tribute.

Interestingly enough, we were only one 4-year term away from becoming a Sustained Maryland Green School (which is the result of a successful third re-certification).

What I hadn't done though was to share that tribute with the GTG community.  Until now.  Here is the link that takes you to website that we created to showcase our triumphs at ECS over the last 4 years.

To see the complete list of Maryland "Green" Schools as of May 2014, click here.

To learn more about Maryland "Green" Schools or becoming one yourself, check out the Maryland Association of Environmental and Outdoor Education website.

Screenshots from and my own camera.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

7 Things About Nature That Kids (of All Ages) Must Know

Here's a little philosophical journey I put together to get kids of all ages to consider when thinking about Nature.

This presentation was created over at Haiku Deck, and it was inspired by the general thoughts Ratnesh Mathur's article.  I have paraphrased the key points here, and put in some of my own two-cents inside the "Notes" portion.  May it inspire you to get a little philosophical and environmental as well!

7 Things ABout Nature... 
Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Inspiration and article of Ratnesh Mathur from

Monday, July 14, 2014

What Do You Love?

What do you love?  The United Kingdom's Climate Coalition wants to know, because there is a very strong possibility that many of the things you love (beaches, chocolate, coffee, your children, a sustainable planet) could be in jeopardy the more climate change begins to affect us.  They are inviting you to not only watch their "For the Love of..." video, but also to visit their website and "add your love story."   By doing so, the Climate Coalition hopes you'll take a vested interest and look beyond the hype of doubt, and fight for what you love.  As their website "About" page states:  "Our love for these things is stronger.  Stronger than fear.  Stronger than apathy.  Strong enough to make action happen."

Another place to learn more after watching the video:  Check out The Climate Coalition.

Video from
Image from 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Gregg Segal's "7 Days of Garbage"

Garbage can tend to gross out most people... except maybe garbagologists.  Even the most avid of recyclers or composters can tend to get a lost of waste at the end of the day...not to mention the end of the week!

2_7 Days of Garbage_Si#9C36A0

Artist Gregg Segal takes a photo-approach to analyzing a week's worth of waste.  Given the average American makes approximately 4 pounds of trash per day, multiply that out by 7 days, and the number of people in your family.  That's a lot of landfill-fodder.  His visuals are certainly eye-opening... and for anyone with an active imagination, you can't help but wonder about the odor!

11_7 Days of Garbage_Ha#9C3688

But I think for me, who is always analyzing the overuse of plastic that abounds in our society, the pictures make an interesting survey of how much disposable plastic there is.  Much like the hotel plastic-wrapped plastic cups or the plastic-wrapped apples I've seen.  Is all of this even necessary?  And, is it all even recyclable?  Is this a good use for our depleting petroleum supply?  I think visuals like this really can make you sit and wonder about the whys, ponder about the pollution, and rethink what it is we are all doing.  Clearly, from Gregg Segal's photos, what we are doing is trashing the planet.

4_7_Days_Garbage_Chow Family 66189

Kudos to Mr. Segal for helping us look at things in a new way and puzzle about why we are doing this to ourselves!!  To view his whole collection, visit it at the 2014 Fence Website (& there, learn more about the 1,000 foot outdoor photo installation in Boston, the Brooklyn Bridge Park, & Atlanta through October 2014).

Photos from the Slate article "Mesmerizing Photos of People Lying in a Week's Worth of Their Trash" by Jordan G. Teicher.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

How Eating & Health Go Hand in Hand

It's no surprise that eating and health go hand in hand.  Or hand in fork.  Or belt around belly.

This summer I took a class for my teaching certificate (ahh, continuing education and required credit hours).  The class was EDU 135:  Children's Health, Nutrition, & Safety.  As part of the class, I had to do up a PowerPoint on 5 related issues that affect children's health.  So, given I'm paying attention to my own health & nutrition this summer (always trying to lose a few pesky pounds), I went with the topic of "Health Problems Relating to Eating Habits."  The 5 in question:  dental caries (or tooth decay), hypertension (or high blood pressure), obesity, cardiovascular disease (or  heart disease), and diabetes.  The latter four are definitely hotbeds of health topics these days, especially in America.

May a little viewing help you bring around your own prevention!!

Dabrowka power point edu 135 for slideshare from Vicki Dabrowka

Each of the 5 has a video embedded in the presentation.  If it doesn't come up, just click the link per slide and it will open in another window.

Image from 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Breaking Down the Ins and Outs of Compost

Composting 101 Infographic
Last week (or so) I wrote about my conundrum on at-home composting, so this seemed like the perfect infographic follow-up.  I have yet to make a decision on what at-home composter I'm going with, but the research continues on.  In the meantime, study up on Composting 101.  Click this link for the original infographic to see it in a more readable size!

Image from Hometown Dumpster Rental

Thursday, July 3, 2014