Wednesday, July 12, 2017

A 4Ocean Bracelet 4 Me!

I love my friends! They know me, they get me! They know what I'd love, and they are thoughtful gift givers.
This was the note and the package that arrived in my mailbox this spring from a very good buddy and pal and former colleague.

The bracelet is really not just a bracelet. It's everything that is behind it as well. From 4Ocean, the bracelet is made of 100% recycled materials. The beads: from recycled glass bottles. The cord: from recycled plastic water bottles. The vision: every $20 bracelet purchase helps to fund the removal of a pound of marine debris--trash in the ocean that harms the aquatic wildlife. Visit 4Ocean's YouTube channel for a wealth of videos explaining what 4Oceans is all about!

This also just so happens to be one of the environmental issues that truly speaks to me. Perhaps it's because I live near the Chesapeake Bay. Perhaps because I'm a beachy-kind-of-gal. Perhaps because I enjoy eating seafood and don't want my food to be contaminated. Perhaps because I was inspired by the 2010 journey of David de Rothschild's Plastiki to investigate the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Or perhaps because it's just senseless and wasteful to use the ocean as a great big dumping ground. I sense it's a little in the "all of the above" category. This infographic, from the 4Ocean Beach Clean Up Handbook, shows just some of what gets me fired up...

...and which is why I'm so inspired by the innovation and activism of companies like 4Oceans. It's also why I smile every time I wear my 4Ocean bracelet and am grateful for the dear friends I have!

Not to mention, this image shows one heck of a great success story:

To follow 4Ocean's blog & get inspired about how to make a difference, click here.

To get information about doing your own beach cleanup, check out 4Ocean's "Ocean Clean Up Handbook."

Video from; my bracelet photo from my camera; infographic from 4Ocean's Beach Clean up handbook; 4Ocean logo from; statistics from

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