Monday, July 22, 2013

The Paper Towel Not Spent

Remember the paper towels with quotes on it.  I think perhaps they were Bounty.  You could get your li'l daily dose of wisdom, a takeaway that left you feeling a little bit brighter, a little bit wiser.

Here's a li'l something that'll do just that.  No, it's not ON the paper towel, but it should be.  It is however, ABOUT the paper towel...and the proper use of using just one to do the trick.  In doing so, you can save 571,230,000 pounds of paper towels over a year--from the current number of the 13 billion pounds of paper towel that are used in the US each year.

One indeed seems like a magic number.  (And that one, by the way, can be composted!)

Good advice to follow...unless perhaps you are writing a song.  Then, perhaps maybe you could take 2.  But only then:
"The weirdest place I have ever written a song is probably in an airport, and I got an idea so fast that I just had to run to the bathroom at the airport, grab a paper towel and write lyrics on the paper towel. I still have it. I still have it in a box in my room." ~ Taylor Swift

Paper Towel dispenser pic from
Joe Smith TEDX video 

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