Sunday, February 24, 2013

1 Reason Why "Reuse" Trumps "Recycle"

If you are an environmentalist, you know the feeling of pride that comes when you say, "I recycle!"  (Perhaps even saying it in with slightly "holier than thou" attitude).

Well, here's just one of the many hundreds of reasons why "Reuse" comes before "Recycle" in the "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle" mantra.  How many things can you "reuse" (rather than "recycle") this week?

Why Reuse a Cup?
Why Reuse a Cup? via Factory Direct Promos - Reusable Bags

"Click image to see a larger version or to grab the code to share on your website or blog 

Image from


  1. Thanks for sharing our Infographic!!! Have you seen our map of plastic bag bans? We also created that content and have hopes that teachers like you will share it on their sites and in their classrooms. You can get the code to share at

    Thanks again and keep up the great work!

    FDP, CMO

  2. Can't wait to go check it out. Thanks for the great find!
