Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Story of Significance & Service

Today walking out of church, I saw the same sign that I see each week in the vestibule:

Each week I'm struck by how it is a spiritual testament beyond church alone, that spreads to both environmentalism and human nature. It speaks the message of Earth Hour, Earth Day, and most religions through its message of peace and prosperity.  If each one of us does one thing to work to make our world better, think of how beautiful it could be.

Speaking that same message is this 7 minute video entitled "A New Story of the People" from SustainableMan.  The premise:  the more we change the story, our human story, from one of separateness to one of connectedness, the more we will see the significance, the serendipity, the synchronicity that surrounds us.  It's a story worth watching, and a better story worth living here in this post-Easter, pre-Earth Day season.
Quote poster from Video from

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